Wednesday, December 17, 2008

PMFI Inauguration Ceremony

Pentecostal Missions Fellowship of India

We want to give a special thanks to you for coming and making the Inaugural ceremony a grand success. Without your painstaking guidance and assistance, the purpose of PMFI would have been fruitless and useless.
The opening ceremony was wonderful, Rev. Dr. P. C. Alexander, Director of PTL gave a message on mentoring and importance of spiritual leadership. He said PFMI would be a Samuel to all mission leaders and be ready to connect each other.
Almost 120 delegates from Delhi & NCR, 12 senior leaders and 79 Mission directors attended this historic conference.

An Executive committee has been nominated and consecrated by the Chief mentor Rev. Dr. P. C. Alexander and other senior leaders. All are refreshed and renewed their fellowship through this conference.
Pr. V.T. Thomas said thanks to all participants and meeting closed with lunch at 2.15 PM

Chief Mentor
Rev.Dr.P.C Alexander

General Secretary


Rev. M.V. Joy, Rev. P.K. Achankunj, Rev. T. Daniel, Rev. Joel Das, Rev. Thomas Sebastian, Rev. PJ. Jacob, Rev.N.A. Philip, Rev.A.K.Philip, Rev.M.Samuelkutty, Rev. Joseph Daniel, Rev.M.M. Singh

Executive Committee
Pr.Jose Samuel, Pr. MR.Wilson Pr.VT.Thomas, Pr.EM.Remesh Pr.Jiju Mathew Pr.Chandraprasad

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